Monday, May 27, 2013

Not Your Average Jordan's

So I almost started this blog off with "Today was just an average day of..." and then had to stop myself and go through the checkpoint of "Oh my goodness, have we reached a place in which being and studying in a foreign country and spending time on the streets of Irbid has become normal?!" Wow, man. Majnoon. I'm still reeling. I apologize to those of you who read these blogs and assume that I'm insane. You're correct, but I'm still sorry. Anyway. I am definitely becoming more used to things here (I was never uncomfortable, but things feel differently when you start to notice a developing ease). We are still getting settled into our classes and working to understand the dynamic and the level of standards we are expected to exceed...but life here is certainly morphing into our own. We had an amazing spoken class today. All of us are intensely excited about continuing it and bettering our skills (spoken is the most fun because it teaches you how to talk with the people on the streets and in the souq without sounding like a very sad and confused American). While we're on the vague topic of countries, (which we always are because this is a blog about Jordan) I happened to notice today that some of the people who have read this page are from Russia! Hi Russia! That is all. A lunch routine is also being acquired and we have a spot that we've been going to on campus for the past couple of days which is ideal for not only eating, but forearm tanning. Which is always a good time. And if lunch isn't exciting enough on its own, a cat apparently jumped out of a trash can at Tim when he attempted to throw his lunch away. Just to fill your quotas of humor and horror.

After classes, we started our homework and took power naps before going into the city. We were also given a fantastic self-defense lesson by Chris, who is a talented fighter in some genre of...fighting... which I know nothing about. After significant missing, tripping and laughing, we all now know how to punch a fellow person! (To clarify, this aforementioned person would most likely be a foe and not a friend. We don't punch friends.) Pumped up from becoming expert martial artists, we ate some food at B-12 and frantically worked on our wajib until we felt less intimidated by it. We then proceeded to make a list of how much money we've spent so far on this trip and work ourselves up about that instead. So we joyously voiced all of the many things we could refuse to buy in the next six weeks so that we do not have to take up begging. Mostly, we were just reaching a point of delusion and making fun of ourselves in every way possible. Although we did manage to worry Waed and Muhammad, who I am now quite sure think we are starving ourselves in order to save dinars. We aren't, I promise! Not yet, anyway. ;) Ps there was yet another perfect sunset tonight from B-12. I am unaware of the amount of intelligence in the following observation but I'm always just amazed by how flawless and close the sun can seem when you're watching it set behind the endless square buildings of Irbid. It makes me feel small. And big. Khalas, I'm done.

I am once again drifting into dreams, but tomorrow officially marks our one week anniversary with Jordan, which I personally see as a huge landmark of progress. From here, it only gets even better, inshallah!! :) Tesbaheen ala kheer, friends.

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